Hensley Stephens works in partnership with Manufacturers, Vendors & Resellers of Business Products in a way that makes offering Asset Finance to customers as easy and quick to arrange as is realistically possible. Whether you are looking to sell a single seat of CAD software to a new start business, roll out a company wide ERP project to a growing SME, or upgrade an existing customer to the latest piece of clever manufacturing equipment, we can help by offering your customer an alternative way to pay, limiting the up-front cost of their latest investment.
Increase your Sales: proactively offering a finance option can help reduce price objections and may even help enhance the customers spending power with you. Why would they settle for the “Basic”, system when the “Super”, version they really want is potentially only a small increase in monthly payments away.​
Help Cash Flow: receive payment from a funder within days of the final paperwork being signed vs. potentially 30-60-90 days terms with your customer direct. Reduce the risk of bad debt, spend less time chasing unpaid invoices and more time doing what you do best, selling and supporting your products!
Improve Retention: Allowing your customers to pay monthly makes it easier for them to stay on support, buy upgrades, purchase new licences or equipment. Additional expenditure can be added to an existing facility or rolled into a new lend, giving the customer the utmost in flexibility when looking to make a change, or expand their business.