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Whilst used for financing a variety of different business assets (which we are of course happy to quote on), Hensley Stephens have extensive knowledge of financing 100% software & services via Finance Lease. Irrespective of whether you are spending £2k on a single licence, or £200k on a company wide implementation, we have the facilities and funders to help with your purchase. With many high street lenders, or indeed asset finance brokers still unable to provide such facilities, please feel free to contact us and discuss your requirements.


Basics of a Finance Lease:


  • The supplier is paid directly by the funder, for both the asset and the VAT.

  • VAT is therefore payable on the rentals - instead of up front as per a Hire Purchase or Loan.

  • The finance company owns the asset and rent it to you over an agreed period of time.

  • Funder claims the writing down allowances on the asset and you can normally offset the rentals against taxable profits.

Hensley Stephens Limited is an independent commercial finance brokerage and not a lender, as such we can introduce you to a wide range of finance providers depending on your requirements and circumstances. We are not independent finance advisors and so are unable to provide you with independent financial advice. Hensley Stephens will receive payment(s) or other benefit from the finance provider if you decide to enter into an agreement with them. Hensley Stephens Limited is an Appointed Representative of AFS Compliance Ltd, which is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, firm number 625035. Hensley Stephens Limited is a Franchisee of Asset Finance Solutions (UK) Ltd. Hensley Stephens Limited aims to provide our customers with the highest standards of service. If our service fails to meet your requirements we will endeavour to find a resolution. View our full Terms & ConditionsComplaints Procedure, Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policy. 

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